Prof. Lanza Gives a Keynote Speech at VISSOFT 2021
Sep 27, 2021
The keynote speeach entitled “Singularity” by Prof. Michele Lanza was given at the 9th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT 2021). The VISSOFT IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization continues the history of the ACM SOFTVIS Symposium on Software Visualization and the IEEE VISSOFT International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis. The conference focuses on visualization techniques that target aspects of software maintenance and evolution, program comprehension, reverse engineering, and reengineering, i.e., how visualization helps professionals to understand, analyze, test and evolve software.
Prof. Lanza and REVEAL Alumni Win the Most Influential Paper Award at VISSOFT 2020
Sep 19, 2020
The paper entitled “Visualizing Software Systems as Cities” by Prof. Michele Lanza and REVEAL alumni (Dr. Richard Wettel) wins Most Influential Paper Award at the 8th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT 2020).
Paper by REVEAL Members Wins the SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ICPC 2020
Jun 30, 2020
The paper entitled “An Empirical Study of Quick Remedy Commits” by Fengcai Wen, Csaba Nagy, Michele Lanza, and Gabriele Bavota wins the SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2020).
Prof. Lanza and REVEAL Alumni Win the Most Influential Paper Award at MSR 2020
Jun 29, 2020
The paper entitled “An extensive comparison of bug prediction approaches” by Prof. Michele Lanza and REVEAL alumni (Dr. Marco D’Ambros and Prof. Romain Robbes) wins Most Influential Paper Award at IEEE/ACM 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2020).
Paper Accepted by TOSEM
Jun 25, 2020
The paper entitled “Why Developers Refactor Source Code: A Mining-based Study” by J. Pantiuchina, F. Zampetti, S. Scalabrino, V. Piantadosi, R. Oliveto, G. Bavota, and M. Di Penta will be published on ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM).
Prof. Michele Lanza Wins a Grant Jointly Founded by SNSF and F.R.S.-FNRS
Dec 13, 2019
The research project “INSTINCT: Improving Database Interactions in NoSQL Applications” will be jointly founded by Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS). The project will be led by Prof. Michele Lanza and Prof. Anthony Cleve (University of Namur, Belgium).
Three Papers Co-Authored by REVEAL Researchers Accepted at ICSE 2020
Dec 11, 2019
Three papers co-authored by the researchers from the REVEAL group got accepted at ICSE 2020 (Technical Track):
Prof. Gabriele Bavota Wins an ERC Starting Grant
Sep 17, 2019
Prof. Gabriele Bavota is among the recipients of the latest ERC Starting Grants, the research funds awarded by the European Research Council (ERC) on a highly competitive basis to the most promising young researchers active in Europe. Prof. Bavota was chosen for his project DEVINTA, which aims to turn into reality what only a few years ago would have seemed something for a distant future: providing software developers with an artificial assistant able to interact with them in an intelligent and proactive way, being aware of the specifics of software development, and becoming a sort of “real” member of the development team.
Prof. Gabriele Bavota and Prof. Michele Lanza Win a SJSSTP Grant
May 21, 2019
Prof. Gabriele Bavota and Prof. Michele Lanza are among the recipients of the latest Strategic Japanese-Swiss Science and Technology Program (SJSSTP) Grants, the research funds awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The chosen project “SENSOR – SENsible SOftware Refactoring” aims to improve code maintainability while considering the specific context in which the refactorings are recommended, without sacrificing other high-priority non-functional requirements. This is a joint research project with Prof. Yasutaka Kamei and Prof. Naoyasu Ubayashi from Kyushu University, Japan.
Papers Accepted at ICPC'19 and MSR'19
Mar 13, 2019
This year, Researchers from the REVEAL group got one paper accepted at ICPC 2019 and one paper accepted at MSR 2019: